New River Gorge is one of those parks that we were fortunate enough to visit twice, and in the same year no less. On our first visit we had some company, our friends Brian and Tino and their dog Shea. We got to see New River in the spring, when the buds were just starting to push through the remnants of the winter drear, and the waters of the New River were flowing strong. In this journey we experienced the many sections of the park, from Canyon Rim to Sandstone Falls to Grandview to Thurmond. It was a truly wonderful experience that left us craving for more time and more adventures within the park.

This call was answered in the fall of that same year when we got to visit the park with Brad Ryan and Grandma Joy as a part of their final park visit in the continental US prior to leaving for the far off stretches of American Samoa. While in this journey we experienced a lot of the sections of the park we had already visited, we also got to complete the world famous Bridge Walk, walking under the longest steel span bridge in the Western Hemisphere.

While we have seen the park now in two seasons, we look forward to getting back and exploring in the summer, taking the time to raft the river and do some outdoor climbing along with hitting some of the trails we have yet to hike.

New River Gorge National Park is on the traditional and stolen land of the Moneton, Tupelo, and Yuchi people.

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